olayinka ojo

MUST WATCH: Let's Go Green Video by The Green Ambassadors


The Green Campus Initiative (GCI) brings yet another awareness-filled, earth-inspired video titled ‘Let’s Go Green’ to the screen. The awareness campaign is produced in-house by the Founder of GCI, Adenike Akinsemolu, and directed by Olayinka Ojo - GCI Minister for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, and Winner of the UN Spoken Word Contest. It also features the Adeyemi College of Education GCI Ambassadors as the cast.

Staying true to the theme of the cause, the crew explored the natural environment beautifully. The lush green environment in the video lures viewers into nature’s therapeutic powers while the voices, smiles and radiating glow on the faces calms nerves. If you do not already know about Going Green, this video is a good starting point.

The lyrics are highly captivating and gets the message across: “Imagine a world where water is free and clean, where breathe is fresh and safe, where sun will smile each day…” Honestly, these words are a reminder that we need to be sensitive and mindful of our environment.

Friends, this video is a call to action for all of us. The planet is ours. We can preserve it for future generations by doing little things that matter. This is a must see video. Watch it below or on YouTube.



We live in a world of ordinary people
You can change things around
I can change things around
We can change things around 

Never again shall out children die
of thirst and polluted air
and unclean environment
We can live a happy life

Imagine a world
where water is free and clean
When breathe is fresh and safe
hen sun will smile each day Oh!

Oh!! Lets Go Green
Oh!! Lets Go Green
Oh!! Lets Go Green

(Repeated Twice)

We live in a world of ordinary people
You can change things around
I can change things around
We can change things around

REPOST: The Childless Woman (Spoken Word for the World)

In one of his thought provoking post on facebook, he wrote ‘Think Global Even When You Live Local’. Olayinka Ojo is undoubtedly one of the young promising Nigerian youths who believes geographical location is not a barrier to global impact. Based in the ancient city of Ondo, he rose to global prominence when he made it to the top 8 Spoken Word Artist in the world, who by their art is inspiring the world to take action on climate change.

In lieu of signing the climate change agreement in Paris, the United Nations asked poets all around the world to submit a poem for the Spoken Word For The World Competition. Olayinka Ojo made it as the only African to rank among the top 8.  His metaphoric expressions and futuristic projections will make anyone an addict to his poems. Because of his passion and belief in poetry as a tool for social change, he started the Purpose Driven Poets Movement, 12 seasoned poets who are committed to changing the world with their art. In search for these poets, he organised a spoken word audition that took place in Ondo Kingdom which received a lot of response.

He is working hand in hand with the Green Institute which was founded by an Ondo born woman, Adenike Akinsemolu in advocating for a green Nigeria. Visit www.greenthecampus.org, Olayinka Ojo is also a seasoned photographer whose works speaks volume, he is the convener of the Ondo 10hours photography seminar and workshop.He also co-anchors a radio program with Adenike on dexterity radio(south Africa) titled ‘Let’s go Green. Though he is not an environmentalist by certificate, he is undoubtedly wired with an environmental sense. He believes in humanity before the society, hence the reason for his global mentality. More of Olayinka Ojo’s work will in no time inspire the world. Don’t watch him, join in him in the process of changing the world in your own little way.


Article Source: Ekimogun Mirror