This year’s World Food Day Symposium focuses on the urgent need to tackle food security and sustainability challenges worldwide. Centered around the theme "Promoting Global Food Security and Sustainability," this event brings together diverse voices to discuss innovative approaches, share knowledge, and inspire action toward resilient and equitable food systems. Together, we can shape a future where everyone has access to nutritious food while preserving our planet for generations to come.
Dr. D. Jini
Asistant Professor, Malankara Catholic College, India
Dr. Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan
Associate Professor, Xiamen University, People's Republic of China
Dr. Yevheniia Varyvoda
Assistant Research Professor, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, United States
Dr. Enock Siankwilimba
Market Systems Development Consultant Specialist, Zambia.
Dr. Nurul Hawa Ahmad
Senior Lecturer, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Dr. Prof. G.A.S. Ginigaddara
Professor in Agricultural Systems of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Dr. Supriya Tiwari
Assistant Professor of Botany at Banaras Hindu University, India