
Isaac Omoyele: Green Personality of the Month of April 2018

Isaac Omoyele is a passionate young man who will inspire you to pursue your dream and live a life of impact. He has helped hundreds of children living in slums back to school, build healthy self-esteem, to realise their dreams and aspirations and also empowered the ‘vulnerables’ in the society to be self sustainable. He is one of the few people the world needs, he is a world changer. We had an interview session with him, here is what he said.

Isaac Omoyele.jpg

If you had one minute to sell yourself to a potential investor, how would you introduce yourself?

My name is Isaac Success Omoyele, I make the dreams of people living in the slum to become a reality through an initiative I founded “dreams from the slum empowerment initiative”

DREAMS FROM THE SLUM, how did you come about that name?

I grew up in the slum and my dreams and aspiration almost crashed when I dropped out of school while growing up; hence I was inspired to make dreams of people living in the slum to become a reality, making the world know that people who live in the slum have got valid dreams.

How long have you been running this programme and what inspired you to start?

Dreams From The Slum (DFTS) was established in 2013 based on three convictions.

  1. To ensure that regardless of social status ; every child has access to quality education.
  2. That whoever ‘CHASES’ his/her dream, no matter how or where you are born, either in the slum, rural community or a remote and desolate area; you will definitely become it.
  3. Your background doesn’t have the right to make your back be on the ground. “You may be born in the slum, but the slum is not born in you”.

Since its inception, DFTS has pioneered innovative strategies to achieve this through the following approach:

  • Education
  • Empowerment
  • Mentoring.

Through our approach on Education, we provide children with the opportunity to borrow books and read in our library facility and we have adopted over 1000 out of school children back into school in Nigeria by providing scholarship opportunities and access to basic school materials such as notebooks, bags, shoes etc.

Also, to enhance the quality of education in the slum , our teachers readiness program trains educators in low cost primary schools in rural communities, and we are extremely excited about the effect this is having on learners through their academic performance.

Through our approach via Empowerment, we provide teenage pregnant girls with livelihood skills so that they can be self reliant and live purpose driven lives; knowing that they have the potential to contribute meaningfully in our society, not minding their dreams and aspirations been delayed due to their misinformed choices. However, we make them realize they have a second chance to rewrite the outcome of their life through our ‘Young mothers Academy’

Other women are not left behind especially the parents of the beneficiaries as we get them engaged through livelihood skills so they can be self employed and meet the basic needs of their children.

Through our Mentoring approach, we provide career guidance to children and teenagers by helping them discover their unique abilities and passion, revolutionize the way they learn and get them exposed.

They are also exposed to self discovery and leadership training programmes as we are committed in developing their self esteem.

What are some of your achievements so far?

We have reduce the high number of “out of school” children living in the slum area of Ajegunle by adopting then back to school. We have held the government accountable on educational policy by reporting corrupt head teachers which reduced the high extortion rate in government schools in Lagos State.  We have empowered women with no income to be self employed so they will better cater for the needs of their children and we also set up a library in the slum to enable children have access to books because we believe that “Readers are Leaders”.

What are the major challenges and how have you been able to pull through?

The major challenge we have faced and still facing is funding.  

We leverage on individual donors to access funding for our projects.

How do you get people to support you especially non-family members?

We sell the vision, share our story and how we are changing lives.

What other areas do you think you need support?

We want to acquire a property where we can have our centre for children which will include a standard school for them but we need support to make this dream come to reality.

If you have the opportunity to change anything about the Nigerian Education System what would it be?

To ensure children go to school without monetary restrictions.

What is it about you that people do not know?

I have loads of children and I am not married, I call them my adopted kids.

What's your advice to young people aspiring to contribute positively to their community?

When you find your place, everything will fall in place for you and you will become the master of that place – FIND YOUR PLACE

How can people reach you and learn more about your work?

08064222169 , 08179586733

MUST WATCH: Let's Go Green Video by The Green Ambassadors


The Green Campus Initiative (GCI) brings yet another awareness-filled, earth-inspired video titled ‘Let’s Go Green’ to the screen. The awareness campaign is produced in-house by the Founder of GCI, Adenike Akinsemolu, and directed by Olayinka Ojo - GCI Minister for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, and Winner of the UN Spoken Word Contest. It also features the Adeyemi College of Education GCI Ambassadors as the cast.

Staying true to the theme of the cause, the crew explored the natural environment beautifully. The lush green environment in the video lures viewers into nature’s therapeutic powers while the voices, smiles and radiating glow on the faces calms nerves. If you do not already know about Going Green, this video is a good starting point.

The lyrics are highly captivating and gets the message across: “Imagine a world where water is free and clean, where breathe is fresh and safe, where sun will smile each day…” Honestly, these words are a reminder that we need to be sensitive and mindful of our environment.

Friends, this video is a call to action for all of us. The planet is ours. We can preserve it for future generations by doing little things that matter. This is a must see video. Watch it below or on YouTube.



We live in a world of ordinary people
You can change things around
I can change things around
We can change things around 

Never again shall out children die
of thirst and polluted air
and unclean environment
We can live a happy life

Imagine a world
where water is free and clean
When breathe is fresh and safe
hen sun will smile each day Oh!

Oh!! Lets Go Green
Oh!! Lets Go Green
Oh!! Lets Go Green

(Repeated Twice)

We live in a world of ordinary people
You can change things around
I can change things around
We can change things around