T.Y Bello

REPOST: Meet the Young Nigerian Lady on a Mission to Transform Nigeria's University Campuses

The first thing I observed about her was the exotic hairdo she was carrying which reminded me of T. Y Bello the erstwhile member of Kush who sang the famous and classic song Greenland. We first met at the Nigeria Alternative Energy Expo event that held at the Yar adua Centre in Abuja from the 14th – 16th of October 2015. We arrived at the gate at about the same time and later struck up a conversation during accreditation before the event began. She came across as a focused, intelligent, driven and confident young lady with a lot of verve and passion. I was surprised and impressed when she told me what she was engaged in at that point in time after which i got to find out that she was also one of the panellist billed to give a presentation during the Conference.

Adenike A. Akinsemolu is an undergraduate lecturer at Adeyemi College of Education, a college ofObafemi Awolowo University and a Doctoral Student of Microbiology at the Federal University of Technology where her research focuses on the genotoxicity studies of oil polluted areas of Ondo State. She is also a researcher, female child advocate, member of the American Society of Microbiology and a member of the Clinton Global Initiative. Adenike is involved in developing a new concept that focuses on the microbial world and the benefits they have on sustainable development known as GREEN Microbiology.

A graduate of Babcock University, Adenike is the founder of the Green Campus Initiative at the  Adeyemi College of Education in Ondo, Nigeria. Her GREEN EPIPHANY came during a lecture on photosynthesis when she realised that her students were not really conversant with what it means to GO GREEN. She took it upon herself to teach them what, why and how to GO GREEN through a hands on and innovative approach. By involving the Provost and Staff in addition to prominent students in her campaigns, she was able to engage and convince them to GO GREEN. She adopted creative practical demonstrations like riding bicycles to school, writing a green handbook and producing a poetic green video among other activities that have helped to start a GREEN revolution which has transformed and positively impacted her school.

Adenike’s efforts in GREEN advocacy in Nigerian Campuses have not gone unnoticed and they have resulted in recognition within and outside the country. She has travelled to South Africa to participate in a gathering on GREEN Campuses where she granted several interviews on radio and other online platforms. She was also a recipient of an award at the just concluded Nigerian Alternative Energy Expo 2015 in Abuja. Her knack for innovation and creativity makes her a name to watch out for in the GREEN space. Though she may be a neophyte in lecturing (less than 3 years’ experience), Adenike has contributed more to her school than what many professors do to theirs in a lifetime.

Without sounding too patronising, Adenike is undoubtedly a role model for young Nigerians especially in this dispensation of change. She may not hold political office, but she is providing LEADERSHIP in her area of gifting (advocacy) and changing lives positively as a result. While many of her age are concerned with mundane things like the latest fashion and Brazillian hair, Adenike has discovered a noble cause to dispense her Talents, Time and Treasures on. As she joins the ever growing league of young female innovators in Nigeria’s GREEN space like Bilkiss Adebiyi (Wecyclers), Ayoola Kassim (Channels Earth File), Amina Batagarawa (ABU Zaria) and Ugochi Oluigbo among others, I hope she would continue to blaze the trail till GOING GREEN goes mainstream in Nigerian University Campuses.

Written by Wajim Yakubu Nuhu via Linkedin