Green team

NATURE SERIES: Green Team visits the Magical Idanre Hills

The true definition of nature cannot be read but felt. The green team visited one of the worlds heritage site named by UNESCO; Idanre hill. The magical Idanre hill is located in Idanre town of Southwestern Nigeria, Ondo state. Time was not enough to explore the depth of beauty embodied in this beautiful hill and assemblage of natural architecture. From the natural landscapes to the cultural sites such as Owa’s Palace, Old Court, Thunder water (Omi Apaara) and so many others. After the 660 giant energy sapping steps we took to get to the of top the hill, words went into hiding to express  the massive light of beauty that beamed into our faces, we were in practical awe at the audacious beauty of nature. Trust us, cameras started clicking as we take different selfie poses with nature. A big thanks to our tour guard who reminded us of the time because we already lost consciousness of our wrist watches. Nature speaks, only a green ear can hear. Visit a beautiful place someday and you will love the experience.