Green Personality of the Month: Psalm Oluwaseyi David

The Green Personality of this month is Mr. Psalm Oluwaseyi David. He is a 400level student of the Federal University of Technology, Akure. David is a multi-talented young man who loves not just to get his hands busy but also to impact and improve his immediate environment. He started a movement in his school with some network of co bright minds called My Navigator, an errand service within and outside the campus. His team also has a brand called CreatvColony.

They hosted a program in FUTA last year tagged ‘evolve’ and a 2,500 capacity hall was fully packed. David is also into reusing and recycling waste plastics. He was at the Green Centre in Adeyemi College of Education last month to teach some ambassadors

Inspired by his works, the Green Team is pleased to present to you, Psalm Oluwaseyi David of CreatvColony, as the Green Personality of the month of June.

Here are the highlights of our interview with him


I am Psalm Oluwaseyi David, creatively known as PsalmDavid and corporately as Oluwaseyi David, an indigene of Ijan Ekiti in Ekiti State, born and bred in the cold city of Jos, Plateau State. I am presently an undergraduate student of the Department of Estate Management of the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State.


I am a Serial Entrepreneur, managing businesses in lines of creative and performing art, service provider and also a business coach/consultant.

I became engaged in all these when I discovered that God has given me the ability to handle more. (Remember the parable of the talents? “to some he gave one, some two, and to some he gave five’’)


My greatest challenges so far have been the challenge of finding the right, like-minded, self-motivated, passionate people to work with and who fit into the structure of my laid down corporate organizations, and also the challenge of gaining capital resources needed to run my many enterprises.


I have been able to overcome these challenges by patiently and carefully searching for young creative minds, and not compromising the standards of what is required for the efficient performance of the laid down structure. Secondly, by networking and leveraging on the available capital and intellectual resources of similar initiatives of others who are ahead of me in my field of endeavors.


The brand PsalmDavid (creative and performing art), was inspired by my abilities to create and recreate things in a unique form, outdoing myself all and only by myself, just like a Diamond, (only a diamond is said to break a diamond), only David could have written Psalm. And also the ability to do diverse things well, just like David, which coincidentally happens to be my name. David was a man of many talents, breaking his records all by himself.

The brand Creatvcolony was inspired by the quest to find other creative individuals around, to form a colony where innovative ideas are generated for the benefit of our immediate community.


Teamwork has mostly been the force behind the lasting successes of most big companies, organizations, and endeavors today. Teamwork, when properly managed builds a great momentum for the effective and efficient execution of any project. Every individual has a unique way of accomplishing the same set of tasks but with different efficiency. However, in a team, when all these different ideas are listed, the most effective and efficient technique is generated and brought to light, thereby eliminating any weakness and threats of a set task, by the workability of every team members areas of strength, bringing about a lasting and successful impact. Most importantly, teamwork broadens individual knowledge, ideas and abilities.


I believe that impacting my immediate community starts with impacting the people who live in that community, and this can only take effect after one has positively impacted one’s self. It begins with me.

I have been able to position my mindset for a positive impact, and this has built into my subconscious and has in the long run influenced my every action to be positively impactful, reflecting an admirable lifestyle to others who become inspired and ignites their passion for leading a better life. I have been able to build a sense of valuable responsibilities in everyone that I have come in contact with, both from actions and interactions with them. By so doing, building a circle of individuals who are driven by the passion for leading a responsible and meaningful life that greatly speaks for the communit


Hmm, well this is what I have to say to everyone about the environment, our environment. From the deepest thoughtful part of my heart:

There is NO SECOND EARTH, where we may choose to run or relocate to when we finally destroy this earth where we are living in now. To alarm this more, irrespective of your location around the world, WE ALL SHARE EVERYTHING nature has to offer. We share the same air, same soil, same lights, same sky, same water, and the same ozone layer. We all share the same MOTHER EARTH. Therefore, if your thoughts are that; what you do or what your neighbor does that negatively affects your immediate environment will not get to you, because you will migrate to another part of this world when the consequences arise, I will suggest you have a deeper rethink. Because we all in the long run share in both the benefits and in the disasters that may arise as a result of our actions or inactions, it is not ours to choose. We all share Mother Earth. So why not be conscious of this TRUTH now, why not tell someone about this TODAY, why not CARE for Mother Earth, why not SAVE MOTHER EARTH. How???...... BE OFFICIALLY GREEN.

Green Campus Initiative features in Earth Day: Climate Action 2016

Time, people, events, and places conglomerate to align you with destiny…
— Unknown

Theodore Idibiye Francis Auditorium, located at The Federal University of Technology, Akure, was ready to accommodate green minds from inside and outside of Nigeria. The warm and refreshing air, welcoming sounds, and rich blends of colours used in its interior confirmed that this would be the perfect location for Nigeria’s Earth Day celebrations. Before the event began, as a Green Campus Initiative Intern, I was able to join in the chats, banter, and healthy discussions going on among groups of lively, intelligent and energetic people. Their impressions, feelings, and comments about this stand-out climate event were positive and educative. All these people, discussions, natural and tranquil environment really helped set the mood up for what was to happen.

Earth Day is an annual event on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and first celebrated in 1970, it is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year. With the passage of COP21 and the release of new UN Sustainable Development Goals, climate awareness is at an all time high. In this spirit, the Space Club and ENACTUS Team of The Federal University of Technology, Akure, felt it timely to organize Earth Day: Climate Action 2016 on January the 15th, 2016. The event was aimed at promoting sustainable practices that people could adapt to protect the planet. It was also a platform for sharing ideas, exhibiting products and inventions that mitigate climate change.

What made the event special for me?

First, it was the highly educative and interactive oral presentations of the experienced lead speakers, which included Adenike Akinsemolu; the Founder of Green Campus Initiative, Toluwanimi Kolawole; a Research Associate at The University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Prof. Ahmed Balogun; an Applied Meteorologist and the Coordinator of WASCAL (West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use).

Adenike Akinsemolu showed the audience, which comprised of primary school pupils, secondary school students, university undergraduates, and young professionals from around the region, simple and creative solutions that will help sustain earth and influence people. Some of these included: commuting green, raising eco-conscious kids, social entrepreneurship, investing in organic foods and products etc. Toluwanimi Kolawole continued the session by sharing knowledge on parts of the planet such as people, resources, and systems which are finite. He discussed  the relationships between these element and, how anthropogenic activities influence the climate, and problem solving or critically thinking skills.

Also, the panel discussion and product and invention exhibition made the event special. Interesting questions were raised and discussed. One of such questions raised by a female undergraduate student of Industrial Design was on how art could be used to minimize climate change. One of the panellist, a Ghanaian and Team Lead of The Conservative; Mr Thomas Koffi Aboh emphasized that recently, art has become an important tool in reducing the effect of climate change. He went ahead and showed The Conservative eco-friendly products such as bags and caps all of which are made from local materials. Other panellists were, Olayinka Ojo; the Green Campus Initiative Minister for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, and also the Winner of the UN Spoken for Word Contest, Owoeye Josaiah Abolade; an Environmental Pollution PhD candidate, and Daniel Trump from the University of Edinburg.

Several teams, including The Conservative and Earthplus Africa from Obafemi Awolowo University, exhibited great ideas and products that are mitigating climate change.

Top Dignitaries of the University present at the event were the Dean of Students Affairs and First Bank Nigeria Professorial Chair in Computer Science; Prof. B. K. Alese, who also represented the Vice Chancellor of the University; Prof G. A. Daramola, the University Registrar; Dr. Mrs M. Ajayi, and Director of CESRA (Centre for Space Research and Applications), FUTA; Prof. J. O. Akinyede.

The Earth Day Event at FUTA was different from other green campaigns or activities because it did not just create awareness, but because it was a platform for sharing ideas and exhibiting various projects and innovations working to mitigate climate change. Attending this event alongside other team members from the Green Campus Initiative was worthwhile to me. The outcome has already started to be felt among other participants. This event should be held every year across campuses in Nigeria as this is a sure way of ensuring sustainability. Check out the pictures below:

Christopher Oghenekevwe Oghenechovwen , a B.Tech student of Meteorology and Climate Science (FUTA), is a decolonized African, environmentalist and ready volunteer. He is 2013 Citizenship and Leadership Certified by CLTC, Nigerian Federal Ministry of Youth Development, a 2015 UNESCO & Athabasca University student on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, 2015 Senior Category Gold Winner of The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, and youth correspondent at yourcommonwealth.org . His growing passions lie within the circle of Climate Action, Media and Information, IT, Youth Education and Leadership. Apart from volunteering with Earthplus, The Green Campus Initiative, and doing creative writing, Oghenekevwe loves to connect with people. Invite him for a healthy conversation via chrischovwen@gmail.com