SDG 16

UN moves to tackle ‘hidden abuse’ and violence against Europe’s children

_The problem is we don't know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn't happened._ (2).jpg

Each year, at least 55 million children in Europe suffer some form of physical, sexual, emotional or psychological violence - the UN health agency (WHO).

And despite the magnitude of this figure, “it is well established that incidents of interpersonal violence are widely underreported”, according to the World Health Organization’s European Region office.

Accounting for underreporting, WHO estimates that of the 204 million children under the age of 18 across the region, 9.6 per cent experience sexual exploitation, 22.9 per cent physical abuse and 29.1 per cent emotional harm. Moreover, 700 are murdered every year

“The cost of violence against children adds up”, WHO maintained, highlighting that an estimated $581 billion is spent annually on treating victims.

Violence against children is chilling and distressing
— WHO Spokesperson