What happens after COVID-19? A message of hope

This question resonates our mind amidst saddening news about new COVID-19 cases and rises in death tolls around the world. Howbeit, there is a reason for the world to have hope and look forward expectantly to the future. This would not be the first time the world is undergoing such an impact of magnitude proportions. We have been here before in different ways. The impacts of global challenges should serve as a gentle reminder of ties that binds us as a global community. Notwithstanding our diversities of culture, development, religion, ideologies, and all what not, issues like COVID-19 pandemic should engender altruistic traits amongst us. Times like this should not be punctuated by apportioning of blames, race to economic and technological superiority, or outright negligence of lending humanity a helping hand.

Moreover, this serves as a reminder of the frailty of human systems and infrastructures. We must learn to harmonize our activities with nature and refrain from applying 'brute force' in our quest to conquer nature. Once more, we are brought together to question our trajectory towards development. The novelty of the coronavirus and our quest to unravel its mystery speaks volumes of our limitations despite burgeoning advancements.

As every global sector experiences a steep decline from the COVID-19 menace, let's call to remembrance past global crises where we came out triumphant. How about briefly taking stock of past global crises and taking courage for the present. Humanity had gone through centuries of the dark age that kept us in a perpetual state of knowledge lockdown, YET WE STOOD. We've been through bouts of economic depression (for example, The Great Depression), and repression that brought the world to its knees, YET WE STOOD. We've gone through two world wars that made us question our fate as humanity, YET WE STOOD. We've been through seasons of natural disasters and disease epidemics, YET WE STOOD. Time and space would be limited to recount our human Odyssey in the face of global challenges and how we survived as a people. I believe these few should go a long way in restoring our hope for the future.

However, our hope is not ignorant of our loved ones who lost their lives during these crises. Our hearts are with them. Presently, our deepest gratitude goes to our health workers who are at the forefront of combating the COVID-19 pandemic. We also extend our deepest condolence to families of victims who lost their lives. Our prayers are with the infected persons for quick recovery, and we want to appreciate our governments for their efforts in abating this menace. We may not fully be able to paint a clear picture of what an era of Post COVID-19 will look like, but one thing is for sure, WE WILL STAND. May God grant us all amnesty. #StaySafe.

Best regards

With love from The Green Institute.