Interesting Facts: Desertification
Sustainable Development Goals Highlights
In the early hours of Monday, a weak flow of lava began seeping out of Taal volcano - located some 70km (45 miles) south of the capital Manila. The Taal Philippines volcano is considered the second most active volcano in the country
Inaction will lead to continued sea level rise, risking the displacement of 280 million people from coastal areas and islands by 2050.
Each year, at least 55 million children in Europe suffer some form of physical, sexual, emotional or psychological violence - the UN health agency (WHO). “The cost of violence against children adds up”, WHO maintained, highlighting that an estimated $581 billion is spent annually on treating victims.
The average rate of increase since 1981 (0.17°C / 0.31°F) is more than twice as great.
The 10 warmest years on record have all occurred since 1998, and 9 of the 10 have occurred since 2005. Click here for more details
Weekly Funding Opportunities
Call for Proposals: Grant Scheme for Common Cultural Heritage (EU-Turkey)
Grants, Van Tienhoven Foundation (see list of countries)
Small Grants Program, Mérieux Foundation (list of countries in link)
International Training Programme (ITP), Sida (Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia)
Call for Proposals, Civil Society Organizations as Actors of Governance and Development work in the field, European Commission (South Africa)
Call for Inquiry Forms, 2020 Grant Program, Motorola Solutions Foundation
Request for Applications, Grant Competition, US Institute of Peace
Endangered Animal Species small grants project, Fondation Ensemble
Picture of the Week
#TB The Green Kids Club