Dr. Rozana Himaz
Rozana Himaz is Associate Professor in Humanitarian Economics and Research Chair at the Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London. She was previously researcher and lecturer at Oxford University and Senior Lecturer in Economics at Oxford Brookes University. She completed her PhD in Economics at Cambridge University. Dr. Himaz is currently Lead author in UNEP’s Global Environmental Outlook 7 report and has worked as a consultant for the World Bank and International Labour Organisation (ILO) on issues relating to education, poverty, unemployment, privatization and policy impact evaluation. She is currently on the advisory board of Verite Research Asia, a leading think tank in Sri Lanka. Her experience as a development economist involves working with multi-country longitudinal research studies on poverty and inequality such as the Young Lives project (Oxford University) that follows a cohort of 12,000 children over 26 years in India, Ethiopia, Peru and Vietnam. Other work has been used as evidence in the UK House of Commons, Scottish Parliamentary debates and as evidence to support a $100 million investment by the World Bank in modernizing general education in Sri Lanka.