Prof. Dr. Lars Hein
Lars Hein is Professor Ecosystem Services and Environmental Change and deputy chair of the Environmental Systems Analysis Group at Wageningen University. He published over 100 articles in the field of ecological economics, natural resource management and land use planning. Lars was previously employed as Senior Environmental Advisor at Shell International (2006-2010) and as Environmental Expert at the FAO/World Bank Collaborative Program, Rome (1997-2002). He is a member of several advisory boards for both industry and international organisations and received a number of awards for his research including a prestigious Personal Grant from the European Research Council in 2010. His main focus of research is ‘ecosystem accounting’, i.e. developing methodologies for the measurement of ecosystem capital consistent with national accounting. He is one of the main contributing authors of the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting – Experimental Ecosystem Accounting Framework (SEEA EEA, 2012) as well as of the SEEA EEA Technical Recommendations (2017). Other fields of expertise include the development of sustainable and profitable natural resource management strategies, climate change adaptation, ecosystem services modelling and valuation, and environmental cost benefit analysis.